Friday, April 3, 2009

Repentance and Faith

"So I say to you:
Ask and it will be given to you;
seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives;
he who seeks finds;
and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

"Which of you fathers,
if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead?

Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion?
If you then, though you are evil,
know how to give good gifts to your children,

how much more will your Father in heaven
give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"
Luke 11:9-13

I was out of work when I discovered blogging. I would sit in front of my computer with my thoughts running wild. I would start hitting the keys and in no time, a blog is published. I was constantly at it when suddenly our cousin's, Ting's, husband, Lyndon, passed away. An active and supposedly healthy man in his early 40's, betrayed by a heart attack. With heavy hearts, Bong and I immediately went to Saginaw to console Ting and her 2 little girls. The house was already packed with friends and my head was heavy and aching. Inday Ling asked one doctor friend to check on me. After checking my blood pressure, she announced that it was too high. After that, I found myself being seated on the bigger couch and surrounded by at least five doctors, who were also visiting. I hear scrambling... and soon, a pill was put under my tongue. More BP tests... 'tachycardia', I remember hearing but not understanding. Later an ambulance came for me and I was brought to the ER. At the hospital, I was made to undergo a lot of tests... blood tests, ECG, stress test, ultrasound, etc. All the results came back good. That was a relief. There was nothing wrong with me... contrary to what I was feeling. Back home, I went to see my doctor and he told me that I was alright but because of the incident, he prescribed for me a blood pressure pill in a very small dose. Still, everyday was a struggle. Even blogging was not enjoyable anymore. I was always anxious which resulted to a rise in my BP and a fast heart rate (I learned that tachycardia means a heart rate > 120/minute)... I was nervous. Lyndon's death was a reminder that it is anybody's time to go anytime and I was afraid for mine. I realized that no medicine can cure me. I have to cope with my own distress. Before I retire in the evening, Bong would pray over me. I asked brothers and sisters to pray for me and they did. I called my Tita Clavel in California and told her about my illness and she would constantly call me back and comfort me with her wise words... she also prayed for me everyday. I put all my trust in God as I prayed everyday. I have turned to the ultimate healer... God. Now, after a couple of months, I am proud to say that I am so much better... no more anxiety attacks and still praying that no more of it anymore, at all. When friends ask how I am, I tell them, "miraculously, I am healed". My faith has once again saved me and here I am blogging once more. PRAISE the Lord!

- no Angel -